- Check and review your credit report. Since a credit score, which is determined by a borrower's bill-paying history and debt profile, is the biggest factor a lender uses when considering a borrower, buyers should start by looking for problem areas and any errors on their report.
- Keep your credit card balances low. Thirty percent of a borrower's score is determined based on a ratio of the amount that is owed in relation to their available credit. Buyers should keep credit card balances as close to zero as possible by making a payment right after any big purchases.
- Keep your cards active. No activity on credit cards can lead to cards being closed, so it is important that a borrower utilize their credit cards on a regular basis to show usage. A good way to do this without incurring high balances is to make small purchases a few times a year.
- Pay your bills on time. Payment history counts for 35 percent of a borrower's credit score. If you anticipate having a problem paying on time, contact your credit card company immediately. To avoid late payments, consider setting up a monthly e-mail reminder or an automatic payment system.
- Avoid opening new credit cards. Having too many active cards can have a negative effect on your credit score in the short term, and keeping track of purchases and bill due dates of several credit cards can be difficult.
Smitha Ramchandani is a licensed real estate professional at Weichert Realtors' Morristown West, New Jersey office. She is a Certified Buyer Specialist and a Home Marketing Expert.. You can reach Smitha at: 973-953-7777 Mobile or 973-455-1900 Extension 122 (Office) or online at: http://www.Morris-Homes.com or http://www.TheTownhouseExpert.com.
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